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Below are the articles under the tag Education.
The “Powers” of Ignorance
01 March 2022 | Matt Alley | Issue 146 (Mar - Apr 2022)
As an instructor of statistics, I sometimes cannot help but explain the phenomena of the social sciences through mathematical expressions. This is es…
The New Normal
01 September 2021 | Adam Sahin | Issue 143 (Sep - Oct 2021)
It was December 31st, 2019 when Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia seen in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Lat…
Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship
01 July 2020 | Salih Aykac | Issue 136 (Jul - Aug 2020)
Schools are places of learning and development, but they are not free from conflicts. Acts of violence, bullying, and other incidents of conflicts oc…
Cultivating a Limitless Mind in the Age of Growth Mindset
01 July 2020 | Adam Sahin | Issue 136 (Jul - Aug 2020)
In her book titled Limitless Mind, Professor Jo Boaler discusses six keys of learning to create opportunities for students, adults, and workers to ex…
Water, the Power of Positivity, and Education
01 November 2019 | Salih Aykac | Issue 132 (Nov - Dec 2019)
I have recently been very intrigued about moods, specifically how our moods biologically change. The processes behind why we get happy, sad, or angry…
Life and Education Based on Positive Thought
16 October 2018 | Esra Akdogan | Issue 125 (Sep - Oct 2018)
Positive thinking is a mental attitude, a process of generating thoughts that transform energy into reality. In this article, we will approach positi…
Virtual Reality as a Learning Tool in Modern Education
13 September 2018 | Ulan Dakeev, Mariee Cruz Mendoza | Issue 124 (July - Aug 2018)
A group of friends are out in the city, shopping. While they are walking down a crowded sidewalk, they hear a siren. That siren is a warning of an at…
Education: Reconstructing Norms and Empowering Dialogue
01 January 2018 | Phyllis Robinson | Issue 121 (January - February 2018)
“…all cultures are partial and benefit from the insights of others [resulting in a genuine global universalism that] can be arrived at only by mean…
Prejudice and Ways to Avoid It in Education
01 November 2017 | Esra Akdogan | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
Prejudices are attitudes that may lead to the stereotyping of and discrimination against certain groups, usually minorities. Psychologists have condu…
Building Knowledge Palaces
01 March 2017 | Matt Alley | Issue 116 (March - April 2017)
Human life begins with great energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. As soon as the baby enters this world, the action begins. She now is in a brand-new…
Is It Possible to Measure Everything?
01 November 2016 | Dennis Joy | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
Over the centuries, humankind has spent a great deal of effort on measuring almost everything we encounter in our daily lives. Even the earliest soci…
Service in the Face of Obstructions
01 September 2016 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 113 (September - October 2016)
Question: People trying to serve humanity through education, dialogue, and charity are usually facing challenges, antagonism, and defamation from oth…
Stem Education and Why It Is Important for Countries’ Global Leadership
01 July 2016 | Alpaslan Sahin | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
STEM, as some of you might know, stands for science, technology, education, and mathematics. STEM education is usually described as, and expec…
Self-Education: What To Do with the Naughty Child Inside?
01 March 2016 | Meryem Akgun | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
Parenting is one of humanity’s most difficult tasks – but it’s also one of the most important ones. But before one can become a parent, they must sel…
The Qur’an and Education: Transcending How We Understand Difference
01 January 2016 | Akan Malici | Issue 109 (January -February 2016)
“If God had so willed, He would have made you a single people,” the Qur’an states (5:48). However, after having created all of humanity from a single…
Literacy, Violence, and Reading Habits in the World
01 November 2015 | Sumayya B. Sharaf | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
In a time of darkness and ignorance, we must challenge our preconceived notions, seeking answers in education and trust.[1] According to UNESCO…
Birth of Physical Principles of Educational Philosophy
01 November 2015 | Seth Mette | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
I remember a renowned author saying "I don't talk about the articles I want to write; because when I do so, I fail to write them." I also remember a…
Civil Rights, the Hizmet Movement, and the Liberative Power of Education
01 September 2015 | Scott C. Alexander | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
One of the foundational principles of the teachings of M. Fethullah Gulen, and thus one of the animating principles of the Hizmet movement, is the no…
Why Math Education?
01 September 2015 | Bruce J. Parker | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
In this article, we will discuss why math education is a very crucial component of the core K-12 and college curricula. We will underline the controv…
Speaking: A Magical Gift
01 May 2015 | K. Fatma Canan | Issue 105 (May - June 2015)
He burst into tears. He could not understand what was happening to him. He looked like his friends, but when it came to this one thing, something was…
Pre-marital Counseling for Prosperous Marriages
01 March 2015 | Esranur Aslan Topaloglu | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
If young adults are educated before and throughout the marriage process, relationship deterioration can be prevented in the long run. Marriage i…
"Hoop Dreaming"
01 March 2015 | Justin Pahl | Issue 104 (March - April 2015)
Combining sports and education, and motivated by faith, Hassan Fofana is helping dreams come true for students in West Africa. I first met Hassa…
What Is Missing in Science Education?
01 January 2015 | Seth Mette | Issue 103 (January - February 2015)
Nowadays, despite the increasing amount of knowledge and the means to access it, younger generations are less and less passionate about the sciences…
Gamification: A Tool for Motivating Children
01 November 2014 | Ahmet Tugra | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Jack had been the ruler of the village for more than six months. He had many ups and downs during this time. He was not complaining, as he knew that…
Animated Vignettes in Character Education
01 November 2014 | Namik Top | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
It is obvious for many people that to ensure a safe school environment for students, it is needed to realize the early detection of problematic behav…
21st Century Skills for Students
01 November 2014 | Alpaslan Sahin | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Economic projections for the next fifty years indicate that, both within the US and world economies, there will be an explicit shift in the Qualifica…
Becoming a "Good" Foreign Language Teacher: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
01 November 2014 | Saban Cepik | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Most language educators would agree that the ultimate goals of a foreign/second (L2) language education are trifold: language skills, cultural knowle…
Teaching Metaphors
01 September 2014 | Hasnaa Kramutally | Issue 101 (September - October 2014)
According to Robert B. Van Engen (2008), a metaphor is a multifaceted literary device that assists in illustrating complexity and in expressing clari…
A School of Dreams with Renewed Teachers
01 March 2014 | John Baig | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
Walk with me please, dear reader. I will take you to a school that will take your breath away. You must be tired of reading all those kinds of deep a…
Sustainable Curiosity: How to Invigorate Curiosity for Scientific Literacy
01 March 2014 | Salih Yolcu | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning" William A. Ward When I visited my family last time, I realized that my two-year old nephew, wh…
Childhood Education in the Anatolian Heritage
01 January 2014 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 97 (January - February 2014)
In a globalized world, some regions - like Anatolia, which could be considered a bridge from east-to-west, past-to-future, and a melting pot for di…
My Brother's Plum Tree
01 September 2013 | Justin Pahl | Issue 95 (September - October 2013)
I often think of my brother during the early summer. When we moved to our home in Philadelphia, my brother, who was always more ethereal, thought we…
How Collaboration Makes a Difference in Dispute Resolution
01 September 2013 | Alptekin Kavi | Issue 95 (September - October 2013)
Parties in a dispute can resolve their differences in various ways. Oftentimes, at least one party feels a need to compromise in order to reach a res…
Questioning Techniques and Wait Time
01 May 2013 | Alpaslan Sahin | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Socrates is the first known philosopher to have used questioning in a systematic way with an ethical purpose in mind. Famous Socratic dialogue takes…
Ability or Disability: An Unforgettable Experience at a Specialist School
01 January 2013 | Rukiye Nesibe Yuksel | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
Every human is precious with a special quality, and there are quite many of them at specialist schools. It is just a matter of being able to see th…
Advanced Placement Phenomenon
01 November 2012 | Alpaslan Sahin | Issue 90 (November - December 2012)
Two national news magazines, U.S. News and Newsweek, annually publish lists of America's Best High Schools. While Newsweek takes the total Advanced P…
Walking in the Shoes of Others: Stepping in and out of Turkey
01 September 2012 | Michael Anthony Samuel | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
What inspires migrants to leave home, friends and country to cross over into unknown worlds? Often many make the journey driven by the prospects of b…
What Generations Expect from Education
01 September 2012 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
What do we mean when we mention education and training in relation to our current and future generations? How should we teach our values to new gener…
Building an Ethical and Shared Future through Education in a Glocal Perspective
01 September 2012 | Johnston McMaster | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
Glocalisation is a relatively new word or idea for a new time. Information technology, greater communications and travel have now placed us in a glob…
Reward and Praise in Education: When, How and for What Purpose?
01 September 2012 | Zekeriya Ozsoy | Issue 89 (September - October 2012)
"Good grades pay off literally. Teachers have long said that success is its own reward. But these days, some students are finding that good grades…
Values in Education: Democratic Values
01 July 2012 | Omer Ahmet Sarimurat | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
"Sentences are correct if you are right."Yunus EmrePeople need to understand the values, ideas and practices in their society. Values relate to our p…
Gifted Education: A Dilemma
01 May 2012 | Zekeriya Ozsoy | Issue 87 (May - June 2012)
The education of gifted individuals has long been ignored, for several reasons. Some have argued that gifted individuals are already faring well even…
Character Education for Academic Achievement
01 March 2012 | Namik Top | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
This article explores whether character education has an impact on preventing school violence through the virtues that it provides, and whether chara…
Utilizing Social Capital through Exemplary Leadership in Schools
01 May 2011 | Erkan Acar | Issue 81 (May - June 2011)
Introduction The United States and many other developed countries are becoming more multi cultural, multi ethnic, and multi racial than ever before…
Effective Use of Education as a Tool to Shape Attitudes: the Australian Experience
01 March 2011 | Zuleyha Keskin | Issue 80 (March - April 2011)
We often think of education in the context of a classroom environment, where one teaches and the others learn; a monologue between the learned and th…
01 March 2010 | Yasin Ceran | Issue 74 (March - April 2010)
If education is an act of “renewal” in beliefs, ideas, hopes, happiness, misery, and practices, a renewal that contributes towards the enhancement a…
The Education of Gifted Children
01 March 2009 | Hayati Tarhan | Issue 68 (March - April 2009)
Humans are created with different levels of ability. A person who is talented in one specific field may not necessarily be as capable in other areas…
Understanding Today's Schools with Chaos Theory
01 March 2008 | Aydin Kara | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Today’s schools are more complex systems than the one-room schools of the past. However, most of the beliefs and expectations about schools today sti…
Peer Instruction: A Better Way to Learn
01 January 2008 | Ertan Salik | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
Teaching and learning are two common human activities. If we need to name a great difference between humans and animals, this is the one. As Nursi po…
How Can We Motivate Our Children To Learn?
01 October 2007 | Rahila Bashir | Issue 60 (October - December 2007)
How often do we hear the words “I hate maths” or “I don’t want to do my homework” and “I don’t like school.” Just imagine how a carer or parent who i…
The Aftermath of Love
01 July 2007 | Victor H. Earnest | Issue 59 (July - September 2007)
How sad, how poor; we are eaten up by the chase. Hurtled all around, we sob and rustle As if we resemble winnowed leaves Since life path tramples…
How to Become a Bad Teacher
01 October 2006 | Ibrahim Sel | Issue 56 (October - December 2006)
Teachers are entrusted with the jewels of life: Our children. Sometimes teachers may be overwhelmed with this very important task. The teacher-stude…
Towards a Multicultural Society and Education
01 April 2006 | Mehmet A. Ocak | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
Democratic societies are strengthened by fundamental principles, such as freedom, equality, and justice. To keep the identities of people who produce…
Adab: Education of One's Ego - A Model for Gifted Education
01 July 2005 | Seth Mette | Issue 51 (July - September 2005)
Although some people deny the existence of super talents, rather seeing success as a result of extreme concentration and hard work, most people agree…
The Role of Education for Dialogue
01 July 2005 | Ugur Tarman | Issue 51 (July - September 2005)
“No one yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should…
Service-Learning: An Alternative Teaching and Pedagogy
01 April 2005 | Dr. Naim F. Erdem | Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Civic commitment has been a major emphasis of education around the world since ancient times. Public education was founded on the notion that people…
CONSTRUCTIVISM in Piaget and Vygotsky
01 October 2004 | Ozgur Ozer | Issue 48 (October - December 2004)
Constructivism is a new approach in education that claims humans are better able to understand the information they have constructed by themselves. A…
Appropriate Messages in Child Training
01 July 2004 | Hasan Aydinli | Issue 47 (July - September 2004)
An old Chinese proverb says that: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life.” This p…
How To Make Our Children Love Reading
01 October 2003 | Harun Avci | Issue 44 (October - December 2003)
When reading is mentioned, we usually talk about the reading habit of adults, and ignore that of our children. However, if children do not read, if t…
Self-inflation or Self-improvement?
01 July 2003 | The Fountain | Issue 43 (July - September 2003)
A Different Approach to Self-improvement (By M.Fethullah GULEN...) In our contemporary world, our self and our ego have become unbridled, insolent…
Women and their Legal Rights in Monotheistic Religions
01 January 2003 | Dr. Sherif Muhammad | Issue 41 (January - March 2003)
Introduction Eve’s fault? Eve’s legacy Shameful daughters Female education Unclean and impure women Bearing witness Vows A wife’s property…
Advocating for Gifted and Talented Student Programs
01 July 2002 | Ozgur Ozer | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
Our school systems need to advocate for curricula differentiation and for grouping gifted and talented students. Advocates of gifted and talented stu…
The Virtual University and E-Learning
01 April 2002 | Dr. Sezai Sablak | Issue 38 (April - June 2002)
The perennial questions How do people learn? and What do they need to know? have challenged educators since the time of Socrates (d. 339 BCE) to our…
Language and Cognition: An Unexplored Territory
01 January 1999 | Dr. Joseph J. Bright | Issue 25 (January - March 1999)
The desire to investigate the secrets of knowledge and cognition goes back to ancient times. The Egyptians, during the seventh century BC, wondered w…
Understanding in Teaching
01 January 1999 | H. Aydin | Issue 25 (January - March 1999)
I. INTRODUCTION Although it is difficult to explain the concept of understanding briefly, we will try to give a brief account of its meaning and con…
Degrees of Superior Intelligence and Special Education
01 October 1998 | Melih Yalcineli | Issue 24 (October - December 1998)
Just as we encounter people with low intelligence or almost no intelligence at all, in a similar way it is possible to find people with above average…
Education from Cradle to Grave
01 October 1997 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 20 (October - December 1997)
Introduction The main duty and purpose of human life is to seek understanding. The effort of doing so, known as education, is a perfecting process t…
The Role Of The Teacher
01 October 1996 | A. A. Ahmed | Issue 16 (October - December 1996)
This article deals with the role of the teacher in the learning process. Different views of the teacher The curriculum is a process. It is not a se…
Gifted Children
01 July 1996 | Y. Yilmaz | Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
Most parents greet the discovery that their child is gifted with a mixture of pride, excitement, and apprehension. Then, they may well seek expert he…
Games And Toys
01 April 1996 | M. A. Sahin | Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Games, sports and play with toys are an important part of a fully rounded programme of education. We hope for the day when educational psychologists…
Discipline In The Home
01 January 1996 | M. A. Sahin | Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Bringing up children successfully means caring for them so that they grow up to be independent, responsible human beings. That entails training them-…
New Horizons In Education Multimedia And Interactive Computing
01 July 1995 | B. Erzurumluoglu | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
The time an individual can devote to catching up with the expanding information-base of humanity is limited. But he or she has to do it: information…
Coping With Teacher Stress
01 January 1995 | Dr. R. Abaci | Issue 9 (January - March 1995)
Occupational stress Working patterns have changed drastically over the last decade with few reaping the benefits of advances in technology. Occupati…
Ideal Schools of the Future
10 January 1994 | J. Hardy | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
Physical setting Where the school is situated effects the quality of education it can provide. Ideally it should be detached from urban centres. Noi…
Ghazali and Educational Philosophy
10 January 1994 | B. Behardin | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
Ghazali's search for knowledge Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali was born in the city of , northern Persia (Iran), in the year 1058/450H…
Islamic Perpective on Knowledge and Learning
01 January 1993 | M.h Kayani | Issue 1 (January - March 1993)
Progress in knowledge and technology may be likened to the widening ripples caused by a pebble thrown in a pool of water. All civilizations have bene…